Authors |
Voronyuk Ekaterina Pavlovna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The German notary office functionally enters into the system of voluntary jurisdiction, or jurisdiction, which represents a variety of the procedural law of Germany. Accordingly, in the organizational sense, the German notary office is closely linked to the German system of justice, including the advocacy. Professor Johannes Burman points out, that the subject of the German notarial law is heterogeneous, it is only a “sum of certain materials” that “concern life in the family, property and legal existence after death, relationships between parents and children... requirements for registration obligations, i.e discipline of documentation”. Thereby, by analogy with the industry of private international law, the notary law can be compared to a motley “quilt”, where each “flap” is basically self-sufficient, but at the same time too small to claim an independent status in the system of national law.
Materials and methods. The foreign scientific literature was analyzed in this article.
Results. The notary office is integrated with the system of procedural law through the system of voluntary jurisdiction. Therefore, the notary office, by its nature and tasks, is the part of public law. This circumstance is trivial and characterizes the status of notary office in any country. But in n Germany, we observe a special relationship between notary office and constitutional law. So we can affirm that the German notary office is a kind of “visiting card” of German federalism.
Conclusion. The Prussian model “lawyer-notary officer” and the model of the judicial district of Karlsruhe “judge-notary officer” are of interest for the Russian Federation. The first of these models subordinates the technical tasks of notary offices to its human rights tasks, i.e. focuses on client-oriented behavior of lawyernotary officer. The second of these models (“judge-notary officer”) by definition strengthens the public-legal aspect of the activity of the notary, primarily its responsibility. In the context of reforming the Russian notary office, this model could block many abuses of notary officers-“businessmen”.
References |
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